CoWO4 nanoparticles, Co K-edge

Cite as: Timoshenko et al, Phys. Status Solidi A 212 (2015) 265

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Comparison of experimental data with RMC fit results

Residual = 0.058 (R-factor = 0.003 )

Contributions of the most important paths


Coord.shellCoord. numberMean R (Å)MSRD (Å-2)
Co-O 6. 2.112 0.0327
Co-Co 1. 3.103 0.0435
Co-O 1. 3.209 0.0313
Co-O 1. 3.419 0.0207
Co-W 1. 3.504 0.0186
Co-W 1. 3.597 0.0149
Co-O 3. 3.751 0.0284
Co-O 1. 3.965 0.0203
Co-O 1. 4.417 0.0207
Co-O 2. 4.676 0.0265
Co-O 3. 4.742 0.0264
Co-O 2. 4.837 0.0233
Co-O 1. 5.382 0.0206
Co-O 1. 5.642 0.0188
Co-O 0.75 5.821 0.0294

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